What HASN'T yet happened in Iraq


New member
Sep 21, 2004
1 - the massive oil well fires that some feared have not happened, 7 are said to be on fire in southern Iraq, yesterday it was reported over 1,000 were secured by coalition forces. Most were rigged with explosives.

2 - Israel has not had a single missile fired at it, and with the seizure of the 2 key western airfields, the likelihood it will be dims each day

3 - the Patriot missiles have, according to coalition and Kuwaiti news sources, shot down every missile (including some banned Scuds) except one that I'm aware of - no Iraqi missile has yet hit a target

4 - no WMDs have yet been used by Saddam's forces, possibly due to the fact that (1) the coalition's warning against their use is working (2) air strikes have eliminated a lot of their capability to do so and (3) central command has not yet given the go-ahead to do so, possibly waiting for an invasion of Baghdad

5 - no Al Queda attacks on troops have been reported, possibly because they never intended to in the first place or, after seeing 'shock and awe', they quietly decided not to

6 - outside of Iraq, in the Middle East, there have been protests but no mass uprising, or nations that will support Iraq, as I said and most people probably knew wouldn't happen.

7 - no massive loss of civilian life has occurred due to the specificity of the war plan and the care and planning that went into it - if you doubt this, turn on the major networks and see if any are reporting it (BBC included)

8 - extremely few coalition troops have been lost to date in combat - more have died in nighttime accidents

9 and last - the 2 armored Republican Guard divisions have not yet surrendered - they are being given time to do so - due to the overwhelming precision and force of the coalition, and due to the terrain they are occupying, they cannot avoid being decimated, so I sincerely hope their commanders recognize this and find no shame in surrendering

New member
Sep 21, 2004
OF NON COMPLIANCE.....DISARMAMENT...... 12YEARS! 12YEARS!!! 12 YEARS !!! 12 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW HE WILL BE DISARMED.....

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